Don’t Waste Time on Lesser Beauties

Posted: January 7, 2013 in Uncategorized
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I really hope you read this even though it is quite long, I think it is very important. After a year or so of debating and researching the Logic/Reason vs. God debate, I’ve come to a profound realization. I’ve started to become uninterested in the debate, not because it’s uninteresting, in fact it’s very interesting and entertaining, but because I’m getting bored with these people. They always have the same arguments, they always present the same “evidence”(even though it’s always refuted, but they won’t take the time to do a little research to find that out), and they’re just plain childish. I’ve gone from getting angry and annoyed with these people, to just plainly laughing at them. Although it is very agitating that they will completely ignore science, and embrace their bed-time-story-fairy-tale delusion.

I’ve come to a time where all I really care about is the science. I simply dismiss these people as I would a person who claims they were abducted by aliens. In fact I think that we should all do this. If we keep arguing with them, fighting with them, giving them attention, all we’re doing is giving them a status, making them feel like what they have to say on science/morality is important, when in reality it’s not. If you choose to live your life delusional, ignorant of the beauty of science of the real world, then that is your choice and I fully support your freedom to do so. But don’t come up to someone saying they they’re wrong because they don’t believe in a heavenly sky daddy. What is important is the truth, and the truth can only come through with science. If we don’t abandon these childlike beliefs, then we are doomed as a species.

Here is an example: When a star starts to die, it goes through many stages. During these stages almost all of the elements we see are formed. Then finally when the star explodes into the cosmic fireworks we call Supernovas, it spews it cosmological guts into space. 5 billion years ago a star near our place in the Milky Way exploded. Allowing the dust of elements to form a new star (our sun) and all the planets we see. That star 5 billion years ago was kind enough to die, giving us the elements we needed for life to start approximately 4 billion years ago. In fact scientists have found an asteroid from deep space that landed on earth, containing amino acids, the basic building blocks of proteins, which in turn are the basic building blocks of life. The basic building blocks of life are being created out there in the universe. We are in fact star dust; we are a way for the cosmos to know itself. Now if you think the story of Jesus dying for sins you haven’t even committed yet is more interesting than that, then please don’t have children. I want to share one of my favorite quotes from a Theoretical Physicist named Lawrence Krauss “Forget Jesus, a star died so you could be here.”

Science is such a beautiful thing. To be able to explain how we came to be here, where all the matter in the universe came from, how something CAN come from nothing, because nothing really is something, is a gift that we should cherish. I want to go to school to study Quantum Physics, because this field will help me learn about how the universe really works. It’s almost poetic now that I think about it: I want to dedicate my life to helping to explain the universe and how it works, and the universe has returned the favor by helping me get past delusions, and opening my eyes to the beauty of life and science. So I will no longer debate with religious people, unless provoked, because I see it as pointless. It’s like telling a child that candy is in reality bad for them, yet they continue to eat it because it taste and feels good and ignore the truth. Plus I love the look on their face when I tell them that space and time are subjective, and that space and time warp the faster you travel: where is that in your bible?

In conclusion I would just like to say that there are always going to be people who ignore the truth because their delusions feel good. But we cannot take these principles seriously. Love your family, be kind and respect each other, and use your precious short time on this wonderful spec of a planet in a vast universe to learn as much as you can. Remain skeptical about anything you’re told, because only through skepticism will the truth reveal itself. Watch out God, science is coming.

  1. richstokes says:

    Hey, thanks for liking my post. This is a really great entry, very close to how I’m starting to feel on the subject…

    • I enjoyed your post and I appreciate the feedback. I just recently started a new debate with a gentlemen on here concerning whether believing in evolution is akin to a pagan belief and how Atheism–I consider myself to be an Anti-theist–is to be considered a religion as well. Old habits seem to die hard…

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